Teapot Potholder
MATERIALS: A ball of white Enterprise yarn and approximately 50yards of your match ing kitchen color will make a set of Teapot andStand Holders. Steel crochet hook No. 1.
TEAPOT: TO START: The first 6 Rnds are same as "Sugar N' Cream"pattern.
RND 7: Join color thru 2 loops of last dc, make 11 sets of dc, sk 1dc, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next sp between dc, (spout inc), sk 1 dc, 11 setsof dc to end of rnd.
RND 8: In White, 12 sets, inc over ch 1, 12 sets to end.
RND 9: 11 sets, using a new thread of color, 1 set in next sp, withwhite, spout inc over ch 1, sk 1 dc, with color, 2 dc in next sp, breakcolor. Continue with white, (25 sets of dc counting spout inc as Iset).
RND 10: 2 dc in each sp around with spout inc.
RND 11: In color, first set of dc above first set in Rnd 7, 11 moresets in color, (1 set, inc, I set in white), 12 sets color.
RND 12: In white, same as Rnd 10.
RND 13: 11 sets white, 1 set in color above last colored set in Rnd9, break color, 2 sets dc, inc, 2 sets in white, I set in color in spdirectly above next colored set in Rnd 9, break color, 11 sets white.
RND 14: In white, omit ch 1 in spout inc, 31 sets around.
RND 15: In white, ch 20, fasten with sl st where Rnds 7 and 8 meet,turn, ch 1, sc in each st of ch, draw color thru last 2 loops of lastsc.
RND 16: In color (first set above first set of Rnd II), 11 sets ofdc, dc in next sp, sk 6 sps, dc in next, 11 sets to end of row.
RND 17: Sk st at top of handle and taking back thread make sc ineach st for 1 rnd (46 sc). Break thread. Fasten all threads on inside.
TOP: In white, sk first st on each side, sc in next 20 sts acrosspicking up both front and back at same time to close top, sl st in nextst, turn.
ROW 2: Ch I, sk 2 sts, in back thread sl st in next, 16 sc across,sl st in next, turn.
ROW 3: Ch I, sk 2 sts, sl st in back thread of next st, 14 sc, slst, ch 1.
Fasten off. Join colored thread at bottom of handle, sc in each stup handle, sl st in last st of handle, sc to center top, * YO, insertneedle around sc in first white row directly below, YO, draw up loop1/2 inch long, YO, insert hook around next st in first row of top, YO,draw up a loop 1/2 inch long, draw; thru all 5 loops, ch 1, repeat from* making knot on opposite side of top, sk next st of top, continueacross with sc, joining to color at bottom of cover. Fasten off.
STAND: In white, ch 5, sl st to form ring, ch 1, 8 sc in ring. Workin back threads of sts, 2 sc in each sc (16 sts). (Sc in first st, 2 scin next) repeat around (24 sts). (Sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next)repeat around, each inc above inc in previous rnd (32 sts). (Sc in next3 sts, 2 sc in next) repeat around (40 sts.)
RND 1: Ch 2, counted as 1 dc, (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next)repeat around, sl st to ch 2 (48 dc).
RND 2: In color, ch 3, * (sk 2 dc, 2 dc in next sp BETWEEN dc's)twice, sk 2 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc—an inc) in next sp bet dc, repeat from *around, sl st to ch 3. Two sets of dc bet each inc.
RND 3: In white ch 3, 3 sets of dc between each inc, inc in eachsucceeding row to be worked over ch 1 of previous inc, sl st to ch 3.
RND 4: In color, 4 sets of dc bet inc, fasten off. Should measure 5inches across.
Make another mat. Place wrong sides of pieces together and workaround with white as before but inserting hook thru both pieces at sametime, 5 sets of dc bet inc and omit the ch 1 of inc, continue around,sl st to ch 3. Fasten off.
In color, sc in each st around. Fasten off. Sew bone ring to centerof one side on stand for hanger.
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